Monday, December 28, 2009

Opa, Christmas and milestones

First and foremost, we are so happy that Opa is home and healing. Although it was stressful to see him like that and know he was vulnerable we appreciate that we will have him even longer now.

Second, Christmas was a blast. Casey received high-quality toys that he loves and has really brought out some talents we didnt even know he had. I am focused more than ever on getting him some musical instruments and things he can pound on.

Third, Casey threw a ball while standing alone. Very cool. He talks up a storm and has mama and dada down but not really saying them to anyone in particular. His diet is now very diverse. I have thrown out all the rules (except Peanut Butter, honey, milk and eggs) and just given him whatever we are eating, hoping to create a sophisticated palate. This morning he has cottage cheese and blueberried with whole grain toast. Lunch was steamed corn, peas, carrots and bananas. he also has Quinoa last night. Tonight will be whole wheat pasta and yogurt.

He is more fun than ever to talk to mostly because he appears to respond. He will show me where his book is if I ask and he will come and get me if I cover my eyes and ask 'where's mommy'. He is fun!

Off to get things done while he is napping.

Cheers and happy new year. Will post pictures as soon as I get a minute!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Just Cute

Saturday, December 19, 2009

He' Standing

He is now standing unassisted..oh my god. Walking is not far behind! Picture when I can get one.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Book Toss

Casey is extremely happy that his Opa is recovering so nicely. In celebration he decided it was time to clean off the shelves. Enjoy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Happy 10-month birthday Casey!

Wow, ten months. How fast it has gone. Lately I have been looking at him and thinking that he is not only looking more and more like a little boy rather than a baby but that he is looking back at me with the same expression. I am now more aware then ever that he is listening to me and trying to understand what I am asking him. He LOVES his books and he loves to be chased down the hallway. He also enjoys opening and shutting doors which thrills him for several minutes at a time. He is happy all the time and only whines when he is tired or hungry.

The last couple of times I have taken him to the zoo he seems to enjoy it more than before. He also loved the beach when I took him down there to see the big waves.

I am glad he is too young to understand that Bear is gone and that I didnt have to explain that to him. Dont think I will be as lucky with my remaining two animals.

Really looking forward to his first Christmas!

Happy 10-months Casey!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Goodbye Bear

I had to put Bear down today. He was emaciated, unable to walk and totally uninterested in food and water. He could not even move. He has suffered from diabetes for at least 3 yaers and we gave him daily insulin injections but it wasnt enough. I was in the room when he passed and I looked into his eyes right before we started the injections. He really wasnt there anymore. I kissed him as he passed and hoped he enjoyed his life. We did everything we could for him, from his acute renal failure as a kitten, to bad teeth, to diabetes and the liver failure. Our vet often commented that he couldnt believe he was still alive. His passing was peaceful and painless and I am glad I could be there for him in the end. We loved him and will now take that love and make sure our remaining animals know they are wanted and loved. RIP Bear.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Food fight with himself

Casey now insists on feeding himself or else he won't eat, so what choice do I have? Here is what happens when he feeds himself.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nine month appt

Once again, he is tall and skinny. Casey is 30inches tall which is the 93rd percentile. He is 21 lbs which is the 53rd percentile and his head is 18.5 inches which is also the 93rd percentile. Every physician we spoken to, including Casey's, strongly suggests he get the H1N1 vaccine but Kaiser does not have it right now. He did get his flu shot. So, all is well is Caseyland. Strong, happy, healthy.

We were told that he should be sleeping through the night, so tonight we have to play a game of putting him back on his back and not picking him. Doc said this could take hours so it is going to be a long couple of nights, but worth it in the end!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Halloween

Casey was a ferocious lion for his very first Halloween. He gave out candy to trick or treaters and seemed to really enjoy it. He is not sleeping right now due to his top teeth coming in, but he is still as happy as can be. We love him more than ever and look forward to his first Christmas and Thanksgiving!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Gorwing, growing growing.

Casey now has two prominent bottom teeth and a whole lot of personality. here are some recent pics. Some are just around the house, one at his first college football game, one feeding himself, on with Aunt Cyndi and a couple random shots. Casey is a complete ham and now poses for pictures.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love my G Pa

Yesterday Casey went to the Padres day game with his GPa and we went too. the weather was perfect and there was a small crowd. It was a really nice day and Casey got to spend some quality time with GPa. He mostly likes to sit on his own and check everything out - which is great with me.

Thank you to GPa for everything yesterday!

Here are the ridiculously cute pictures.

Friday, September 11, 2009

More lions and tigers and bears

It has been and that makes me cranky, cranky, cranky! But Casey will be 7 months and Monday and I cant believe it. He is getting his two bottom teeth and he is not happy about it. The sleep through night nights are over for now. So, back to being zombies.

Childcare has been challenging. If it werent for Grandma Joanna I am not sure what kind of situation we would be in. I am seriously looking into daycare since we cant solely depend on Joanna - not fair to her during her hard-earned retirement.

Casey continues to be a great child, I continue to struggle with two job and a dissertation, need to complete Diss so I can find my sanity again.

Back to Casey, he is outgrowing everything and remains happy and content. He is cute as ever and loves to laugh and giggle. He crawls backwards and we hope forward crawling is not far behind.

Anyway, here are some recenet pictures of our beautiful boy.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


A short video of Casey's funny laugh.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazy week

Crazy week. Sandi has a broken arm so she can't nephewsit. Mom is on vacation. G'Pa and G'Ma came on their monthly trip(thank god) and took Casey to Balboa Park. We went to dinner last night and after a small meltdown due to being hungry he cheered up and enjoyed the company.

Started swim lessons and he is a water baby for sure! When we walked in and he saw the pool he started getting excited. So cool. The instructor gives me the option to dunk him completely under water but I have chosen not to do so just yet. I dont think he is ready for that.

I am beyond exhausted with all the running around this week and more determined than ever to get this damn dissertation done so I can take something off my plate. Tonight Casey and I will have some rest and relaxation while Rick is at another Padre game. Let's hope he falls asleep early tonight!

Thanks to G'Ma and G'Pa for the fun dinner and day at the park. Casey looked so happy when you drove away. See you Saturday???

Monday, August 17, 2009

6 month appt

He is happy and healthy at 6 months. 18lbs 5 ozs and 28 inches long. He is tall and skinny which the doc really likes. He is still fighting cradle cap but that is not big deal. He starts swimming tomorrow and I will try to find a way to take a picture!

Monday, August 10, 2009


Saturday, August 8, 2009

What I Learned About Casey Today

I took Casey to a short baby sign language class today and not only did I learn some useful signs to teach him, I learned some things about Casey. First, he is HUGE. There were a lot of other babies there that were only a few months older and Casey was much bigger. Second, he loves other babies. This was his first experience with other kids and all he wanted to do was touch them and talk to them. Third, I think he is going to like school. He tried to talk to the instructor the entire time she was talking. He was great and I am now convinced it is time to start taking him to the Library storytime!

Fun with Food

Saturday, August 1, 2009


Completely sitting up on his own now!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Food and Hair

I have been attempting to feed Casey rice cereal for two weeks with no real luck. Yesterday his Grandma Joanna said he ate it all, so I tried it again this morning and voila! He ate it all! He was so excited and looked so grown up. Going to get a high chair tonight. Avocados and bananas are next on the list. Considering getting a Beaba babycook to help with making all of his food from scratch - my goal is to NOT pass on my weight problem to him, so I am starting early with the organic and fresh food. I have already begun to eliminate the bad food from my own diet because he is watching EVERYTHING I eat.

We have HAIR! I thought he looked different to me this morning and that is when I noticed he has hair - real hair. It is all going so fast. He is such a cute boy and I have never been happier.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Serioulsy considering

quitting my job to be home with Casey. It is days like this when I sit at work and all I want to do is hangout with Casey. I know he is not going to be a baby forever and it is already going so fast. I just dont know how worth it is to trade health insurance for my sons to make this work.

Rolled over!

I have pictures from Casey's first trip to the Aquarium and some cute shots with Auntie Sandi that I will post when I have a moment. Just wanted to share that Casey is not only sitting up unassisted (for a couple of seconds or more) but he is now rolling over from back to front. He is excited about this latest development. More to come...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Oh my god!

The milestones are coming fast now. Casey sat up by himself today...I turned around and there he was sitting all alone. He was so excited!

Auntie Sandi and my red hair

Just in case you had any doubts and the color of casey's hair, check out these cute self-portraits.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears oh my!

Today was a truly wonderful day. Casey and I met dad (G'Pa) at the zoo for a few hours of nice conversation, interesting exhibits and time with Casey. The weather was beautiful, the crowds pretty small and the mood was calm. It was Casey's first time at the zoo and although he seemed to enjoy watching the people more, I think he just dug being out and about.
After the zoo we met up with Auntie Camerin for dinner and a peek at her new pad (which was very nice). I had a great time and it is days like this that rejuvenate me and remind me how lucky I am in so many different ways. I hope to repeat today many times.
Casey was an Angel, loving every minutes, smiling, laughing and enjoying the company.

Monday, July 13, 2009

First pool party

It was a hot one this weekend, but luckily we had a pool party to go to. Casey cant go on the pool yet without sunscreen so we had to wait until there was shade to let him get his 'feet wet'. He loved it we think. He seemed to be really jealous of all the other kids that were in the pool. He has swim lessons next month and can wear sunscreen then, so we will be spending lots of time at the pool - just to get ready for the beach! Here are the cute pics at his first pool party.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

the first 4th

Casey's first 4th of July was spent at the Padre/Dodger game. It was REALLY loud but he really seemed to enjoy all the sights and sounds. The picture is one of his rare naps. I also included a pic of one of his new outfits..the hat is great!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009