Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Three weeks in

Three weeks into work and I am doing ok. Very tired and things around the house are not getting done, but I am sure we will survive. Floors are not as clean as they should be and the bathroom/kitchen needs scrubbin, but Casey only catnaps. I will try to get to it this weekend, but I have to work on Saturday. Anywho, I am happy to be back at work and working on new projects and carving out my own niche again. I plan to really begin dissertation stuff asap. I am starting to worry that I wont ever finish and I beginn to panic. I think I need someone to be on my ass about it but that person doesnt exsist. I really need my hair done and some new clothes for my new body, but that aint happenin' either!

Back to Casey, that is why we are here right? Casey is laughing and giggling. He seems to be extremely happy and enjoyed his second Padre game with just dad. They had a great time and Casey really loves people watching. I love him to bits and pieces and so happy that he is here, even at 3:00 in the morning. I have to admit I have seen some really interesting movies since Casey has arrived.


  1. I will b glad to kick you ass about finishing your PhD. There are too many who are ABD in your position. Lots of money and time invested and you are 6 months away. Suck it up and do it. If you need assistance, let me know.
    Need clean floors for a baby that crawls on the floor. I will be happy to pay for a cleaning person.
    Love, Dad

  2. Ok on both accounts. It is not in my nature not to finish something, I just really need to start...I will do something about it (dissertation) tomorrow and maybe at least do one thing every day!
