Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nine month appt

Once again, he is tall and skinny. Casey is 30inches tall which is the 93rd percentile. He is 21 lbs which is the 53rd percentile and his head is 18.5 inches which is also the 93rd percentile. Every physician we spoken to, including Casey's, strongly suggests he get the H1N1 vaccine but Kaiser does not have it right now. He did get his flu shot. So, all is well is Caseyland. Strong, happy, healthy.

We were told that he should be sleeping through the night, so tonight we have to play a game of putting him back on his back and not picking him. Doc said this could take hours so it is going to be a long couple of nights, but worth it in the end!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

First Halloween

Casey was a ferocious lion for his very first Halloween. He gave out candy to trick or treaters and seemed to really enjoy it. He is not sleeping right now due to his top teeth coming in, but he is still as happy as can be. We love him more than ever and look forward to his first Christmas and Thanksgiving!