Thursday, September 17, 2009

Love my G Pa

Yesterday Casey went to the Padres day game with his GPa and we went too. the weather was perfect and there was a small crowd. It was a really nice day and Casey got to spend some quality time with GPa. He mostly likes to sit on his own and check everything out - which is great with me.

Thank you to GPa for everything yesterday!

Here are the ridiculously cute pictures.

Friday, September 11, 2009

More lions and tigers and bears

It has been and that makes me cranky, cranky, cranky! But Casey will be 7 months and Monday and I cant believe it. He is getting his two bottom teeth and he is not happy about it. The sleep through night nights are over for now. So, back to being zombies.

Childcare has been challenging. If it werent for Grandma Joanna I am not sure what kind of situation we would be in. I am seriously looking into daycare since we cant solely depend on Joanna - not fair to her during her hard-earned retirement.

Casey continues to be a great child, I continue to struggle with two job and a dissertation, need to complete Diss so I can find my sanity again.

Back to Casey, he is outgrowing everything and remains happy and content. He is cute as ever and loves to laugh and giggle. He crawls backwards and we hope forward crawling is not far behind.

Anyway, here are some recenet pictures of our beautiful boy.